94 km in drei Tagen! Zu Fuß. 12 Strodisignerinnen wanderten von Strodehne nach Meyenburg, um dem Modemuseum Schloss Meyenburg zwei Kittelschürzen zu überbringen.
Die Gruppenwanderung unter Führung der Direktorin des schottischen Kunstvereins Deveron Projects (Huntly) stellt symbolisch die Verbindung zwischen den drei Institutionen her, die am Projekt „Partnerlook!“ beteiligt sind. Der Walk startet mit einer Kundgebung auf dem Strodehner Backofenberg.
"Parade of the Apron-Women"
Performance in public space, various places, Havelland/Prignitz, 2019
Starting event of the scottish-german cooperation „Partnerlook!“
94 km in 3 days! Walking. Led by scottish curator Claudia Zeiske a group of 12 Strodisign women walked the ‘Strodisign pinafores’ cross-country from Strodehne to Meyenburg, linking with colleagues along the way thus creating a symbolic connection between places and people.
The Kittelfrauen Parade was the first event of the Partnerlook! project that started as an international collaboration between landmade.Kulturversorgungsraum Strodehne and Fashion Museum Schloss Meyenburg in Germany and Deveron Projects, Huntly, Scotland.